Today, I'd like to announce one of our new partners: The Capable Carpenter.
The Capable Carpenter (AKA Chris Strathy) has over 20 years of building experience. He's worked in in marine construction, design, renovation, remodeling, modular, and outdoor living. But in recent years, Chris fell in love with the tiny house movement, which is how we first me. He and I were both showcasing our houses at a tiny house festival in North Carolina. Chris' projects range from complete home renovations to van build outs. And like Deek and I, Chris has a passion for reuse and salvage. He actually has plans to combine that passion with his building expertise to develop a tiny house community. As he says it, he wants to "help everyone go tiny in a huge way." Chris actually helped build shelves in the cab of The REUSE! Box Truck and he's featured in The Box Truck Film. So, it was time to make this relationship official! 🚚 🤝 🔨

The Capable Carpenter logo will be featured on the movie screen side of the box truck and will be seen by the thousands of people that tour the truck this year. Hopefully Chris will be at some of the events too! Head over to thecapablecarpenter.com to learn more about the great work Chris is doing.
If you or your organization is interested in partnering with the Escape The Waste team, we've got some spots left. Email me here.