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Through various videos, we showcase reuse solutions for all of our daily needs and wants and help people escape the waste of resources, opportunities, time, and money. Our videos are focused on all aspects of daily life; from how we shop to how we build to how we entertain, etc.


Many of these videos are bonus clips and extended scenes from Alex Eaves' two award winning films: REUSE! Because You Can't Recycle The Planet. and The Box Truck Film: Building a Reuseful Home. There were only so many reuse ideas that Alex could cram into the films.


We also have videos from certified green reuse apparel brand, STAY VOCAL. They give you an insight on not only the shirts, but how the brand works. Alex's former life in the music industry (that directly led to his work reuse) might just pop up here occasionally too.


Choose a playlist to watch below and enjoy!

The REUSE! Documentary

The REUSE! Box Truck

The Reuse Life


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